Graduates present development recommendations to the Bouygues Construction UK board
Today, our 2019 intake of Bouygues Construction United Kingdom graduates – incorporating those working across our UK entities of Bouygues Energies & Services, Bouygues UK, Bouygues Travaux Publics, Linkcity and VSL – took to the virtual stage to present their recommendations on five strategic business issues to the management boards of each of the UK businesses.
This presentation day is a key milestone in the entities’ graduate programmes, requiring them to work together in small groups to research a business issue relevant to the group’s UK strategy before collaboratively putting forward proposals to develop our performance in this area. Unlike previous years where everyone has come together in one venue for the event, this year the presentations took place virtually to ensure that this important aspect of our two year graduate programmes could safely continue.
Supporting them in their challenge, the graduates have been working with a senior mentor to guide and advise them throughout the process.

The business topics covered comprised the following:
- Group 1: The Makers Programme
- Group 2: Modern Methods of Construction in the UK
- Group 3: Investors in People
- Group 4: Employer of Choice
- Group 5: Client Experience
Each group was given 20 minutes to carry out their presentation, followed by a ten minute Q&A for members of the management boards to delve further into each topic. Speaking at the event following all five graduate presentations, UK Country Manager for Bouygues Construction United Kingdom, Fabienne Viala, said:
“Every year, I am astounded by the fresh perspectives our graduates bring to the business and this year is no different. Coming from a wide range of disciplines, their diversity of skills and enthusiasm for innovation brings a new approach to our established ways of doing things.
“I would like to say a huge thank you to all the graduates who presented at today’s event and to our senior sponsors and mentors who supported them all throughout the process. I look forward to seeing some of the recommendations we learned about today being implemented across our businesses, providing real opportunities to innovate in a constantly evolving world.”