Ebury Bridge Estate Scores Full Marks in CCS Assessment
Bouygues UK has achieved full marks in another Considerate Constructors Scheme (CCS), this time at Ebury Bridge Estate!

Located in the heart of central London, the new Ebury Bridge Estate is the biggest delivery of new affordable homes in South Westminster in over 50 years. This development, in partnership with Westminster City Council, will create approximately 760 high-quality, energy efficient homes, of which 56% will provide affordable housing and the remainder being intermediate ownership and market sales. With 90% of apartments looking out onto exceptional views of the London skyline, the development will feature a new community hub, nursery and retail space for residents and visitors. There will be four high-quality public squares created with play and water features. The green spaces will have enhanced lighting for security and an on-site management team.
Our score of 45/45 reflects Ebury Bridge as the exemplary model for future estate regeneration that it is, setting new standards with exceptional added social value at its core. Our commitment to the environment is also a huge component of this successful result. The newly built homes will be energy efficient, using 90% less carbon than the existing estate thanks to ground source heat pumps and grey water recycling, linking to Westminster City Council’s plans to be carbon net zero by 2040.
Around 270 new trees will be planted, as well as the retention of mature existing trees. Alongside this, there will be new flowerbeds and plants, forging natural havens for the local community and increasing biodiversity.
Our site team has been commended on their communication with both our residential and retail neighbours in the buildings surrounding our own development, as well as on our commitment to carbon reduction on site. The assessors at CCS noted, “the team are continuing to maintain a strong presence within the community and actively seek out new ways of working and supporting the local people and businesses… It is good to hear that the team are continuing to challenge themselves and work with their client to find ways to reduce embodied carbon on the project. The team has a clear understanding of their goals, and they work with their supply chain to ensure it is a joint venture to reduce carbon and protected the environment.”

Congratulations to all those involved in making this exceptional CCS score a reality.